Accessorize with Chargers


Okay, we’re not talking about a battle cry or even a shopping mantra, we’re talking about plate chargers. Chargers are extremely versatile in interior decorating and design and chargers can dramatically change the look of a room in just a few simple ways. The best part is they can also be fairly inexpensive and quick solution to freshen up your interior decor.

What is a charger?

Chargers, are essentially large plates. Charger plates have been used in table place settings since the 19th century, adding design and elegance to dining rooms all over the world. Chargers can come in an endless array of sizes and colors. They can add a colorful seasonal and elegant touch to even the most simple flatware. We love to use them as decorative accessories in many areas of the home.

Add some “charge” to your home decor.

Decorative chargers make a particularly beautiful accessory on your dining room buffet and especially in a kitchen on walls or displayed above cabinetry. But they don’t have to be confined to the food preparation and serving areas of the home. We like to showcase them in great rooms, living rooms and even dens. They can bring a great “pop” of color and visual dimension and texture to any room of the home.

How to use chargers in interior design.

Here’s a simple example we’ve put together to demonstrate chargers in home decor. As you can see in these pictures, chargers can be used in almost every design style. Here we’ve used chargers in rooms with Contemporary, Transitional, and Traditional design styles.

Transitional-Chargers Traditional-Chargers Contemporary-Chargers

Versatility is everything.

In these four photos we have the same piece of furniture and the same artwork on the wall. But we’ve completely changed the look of the space simply by using different chargers and other accessories. In the first photo we have placed a stoneware charger to the side with a matching vase. Several small decorative globes are grouped on another charger plate. The second photo shows the same standing charger, but this time the globes are arranged on an oblong tray. In the third photo you see the same standing charge with more decorative urns. Finally in the fourth we’ve replaced the stoneware charger with a larger and more dramatic red. Your options are virtually limitless.

charger 3 charger 4 Charger 1 charger 2

Help accessorizing your home with chargers.

Chargers can be used decoratively in so many ways. Other ways you can use plate chargers in your design are:

  • As a candle holder to avoid ruining your furniture with dripping wax (be sure to use a non-flammable and heat-proof charger)
  • As a serving tray
  • To display your favorite collectibles
  • In the guest room or bathroom to display towels, special soaps, or other toiletry items for your guests

The items you see in the pictures and many more home interior design accessories are all available through Pegasus Design Group. Prices will be provided upon request. Need help accessorizing your home with the perfect plate chargers? Give Pegasus Design Group a call and schedule a design consultation. We’ll help make your design dreams come true.